Thursday, October 20, 2011

Food Is better the Second Time Around + Mac and Cheese Pizza!

First, food recycling! I had some leftover raspberry lemon coconut scrolls that were going stale, so I chucked them in the food processor, combined with coconut and oats then rubbed in some nuttelex, and used to top some mixed berries that were mixed with a little stevia, tapioca and water before baking for around 45 mins.
 =Easy Mixed Berry Crumble, Gluten free, sugar free and vegan, of course!

Next, Mac and Cheese Pizza!

 I have seen this idea floating around the internet and knew I had to try it

(Straight out of the oven)

For the mac and cheese, I made a basic roux with nuttelex, gluten free flour and soy milk, then when it was done, threw in a large handful of raw cashews and lottsa nutritional yeast, blender with a stick belnder then mixed with GF pasta. I then Spread it on my homemade GF pizza base, topped with GF bread crumbs and baked until crispy!

Side note about how much Vegan food rules, some in my family were a little bit iffy about nooch, so I put some roux aside and they made a bit with normal cheese. Verdict on the final product though? Mine was better. Hell Yeah!

Usually I have to make 2 Pizzas to feed everyone, but this is so filling, it's like a meal on a meal!

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